Two of America’s leading CNC software brands for the woodworking industry are organizing a series of training seminars at High Schools throughout Connecticut.

And there was an added bonus for a student at one of the first ones – he was hired by a local cabinetry and millwork company.

The events are the brainchild of Paul Corey, who works with cabinet and casegoods software tool CABINET VISION, and the CNC routing software ALPHACAM, both from the Vero CAD/CAM stable.

“They include school students and staff, local woodworking companies and industry representatives,” he says. “The training focuses on specific capabilities of the software, including profile machining and drafting using CABINET VISION and ALPHACAM. It gives students an opportunity to show what they’ve learned, starting with the initial drawing right through to manufacturing their design on the machine.”

The latest seminar was held at Norwich Technical High School, where he demonstrated profile machining in ALPHACAM on the school’s Omnitech router. CABINET VISION has been used at the school for a number of years, and implementing the use of market-leading design and machining software ALPHACAM, as well, ensures the school turns out the best trained, all-round wood craftsmen.

An earlier seminar at the Prince Technical High School in Hartford actually led to a student landing a job with Newington-based United Cabinets. “One student in particular, really got hooked on the software, and I later took a United Cabinets representative to check out the school and the student’s capabilities – and he was hired on the spot to use CABINET VISION for them! It was a proud moment for me and CABINET VISION, to make a difference in the community.”

He says the seminars highlight the value of young people learning to use the software that is used by many woodworking companies across the States. “The older guy who owns a shop doesn’t want to learn software programs and how to run a machine. But kids are ready and willing. When they leave school they’re ready-prepared to fill a job and need immediately.

“And the companies and woodworking industry representatives who attend the seminars not only get to see them first hand, they also get to see the latest developments in CABINET VISION and ALPHACAM, and how the software can take their businesses to the next level.”

“With an ever-growing need to develop industry, CABINET VISION and ALPHACAM are firmly committed to educating the next generation of America’s woodworkers by ensuring that young people not only know how to use CNC software properly, but also how to apply that knowledge in the field of manufacturing.

“The events help to bridge the gap between the woodworking industry and technical high school students.”